Wednesday, January 18, 2012

keeping an open mind

for years i could not drink any tap water outside of new york city. i both took pride in this fact and was somewhat embarrassed by my snobbery. it wasn't that i was closed-minded to the was that my taste-buds were accustomed to a certain level of tap-water excellence. whenever i tasted something else, my body identified it as "gross"; even philadelphian water.  and then a funny thing happened.

i kept drinking the water in philadelphia and slowly grew to like it. i wondered if my standards had just fallen or my taste-bud-horizon had been broadened. i like to the think it's the latter, but even the former is ok. because the truth is - life is a little easier when you can enjoy a glass of water from your tap.


Wallace said...

unrelated to water- i think your standards have fallen...

Carmen said...

Yes, yes they have.