Monday, June 5, 2017

some quotes by my little lady...

to her pediatrician who does house calls and she is slightly in love with him:
"do you bring your lunch to work? what color is your lunch box?"
with a sly grin:
"are you going to give my little brother a shot?"
as doc is leaving our house, awkwardly because he know's it's coming and never knows how to respond:
"bye doctor wood, i love you!"

when discussing her birthday:
"and i am getting a cousin for my birthday."
me in spanish- "oh yeah, max will be a big brother and you will get a cousin"
m: "well, babies come out when they are ready to come out, mamá"

after doing anything "wrong":
"sorry mamá! but you still love me, right?"

to her little brother when they are sitting at the table eating and he throws something on the floor:
"¡en la mesa junot!"
gives item back and helps him put it on the table
"gracias, muy bien"

when pretending to play store with me:
"will you pay this señora?" ("to pay" is synonymous with "to buy" but also "to ring-up")
"do you want another one? Here's another one. do you want this? well you can't have it, you have to leave some for eli" (i think it's funny when she uses our first names)

she has started taking an interest (it only took 4 years) in speaking spanish. but her oral abilities are way behind her comprehension, so she just calls out single words like when we are walking:
 "look, mamá, 'bicicleta!'"
or she has started repeating back things she hears on a regular basis but gets it slightly wrong:
"sí, no como" (should be: "sí, ¿como no?")
or, "te quiero más en el mundo mamá"
close enough.


daleboca said...

I love these!!

RolandoE said...

Nice !!
maybe you should start your own version of a blog
Crazy momma two kids one husband