Sunday, March 4, 2018

reflection on pregnancy

this is my third, and probably last, time i will experience this...what i consider to be kind of magical/miraculous thing called pregnancy.

while i had a lot of time and energy to reflect on pregnancy the first time around, and less the second, this pregnancy has gone almost completely unacknowledged. over the course of these nine months i have finished my masters, been raising two children, working full/over time at school, choreographing my third musical, "west side story" (which i had no idea would be so challenging musically - choose any song from the show and try to count out the beats...) and been generally distressed about the state of the world and in particular our country. i have been busy...not only mentally, but physically and emotionally.

in the chaos of everything i suddenly realized that this experience of pregnancy would soon be over. and while the next stage - bringing a new person into the world - is also amazing/scary/potentially overwhelming, i wanted to stop and reflect on this part before its over.

things i won't miss about pregnancy

  • leg cramps
  • foot cramps
  • varicose veins
  • having to approach rolling from one side to the other in bed like a three-pt-turn: in stages
  • not being able to take-off or put-on my shoes easily
  • getting winded sooooo easily
  • braxton hicks contractions for months
  • not being able to have a looooong satisfying pee (all short, pathetic amounts) 
  • the first three months of vomiting and feeling sick all. the. time.
  • depression and guilt for depression
  • anticipating labor/the unknown

things i will miss about pregnancy

  • feeling a living being inside my body
  • the attention/extra care from others/strangers
  • being amazed at my body for how it is able to grow a human inside of it
  • not feeling weird about having someone put their hand on my belly to feel the baby - feeling like it's not mine, but just something i get to share with the world
  • having my four and one-year-old kiss my belly and talk to the baby
  • prenatal visits to the birth center (an organization I love along with everything it stands for)
  • extra foot rubs from erk
  • anticipating labor/the unknown

i am probably less than two weeks away from delivering this baby and while there is still a lot to do before it arrives (would ideally like to get through the musical next week, report-writing, lesson planing etc) ultimately what i want to do more of during this time, is nothing but enjoy it. i want to take in this moment before the moment. i want to spend as much time appreciating my family before we transform from a 4-some to a 5-some. i want to be kinder to myself and stop to breathe and appreciate that within the chaos and sometimes devastation that is the world around us, life is a gift and creating it is a miracle.


RolandoE said...

lovely !! well putt carme lita !!

daleboca said...

i second that. it is indeed a miracle. good work mamma. now let the games begin!