Thursday, November 1, 2012

flip flopper

even as a little kid i hated making decisions
there was something extremely anxiety provoking about having control over my own future. i would so much rather be given a situation in which i create my possibilities within it, rather than creating the situation itself.

even now, as a full grown up (or however grown up you can be and still wear nike hightops) i prefer to order last at a restaurant.
why last?
because rather than choosing the meal i think i want (who can be sure of what they want?), i select the meal that has not been ordered at my table
(this is done not only to relieve myself of the responibility of decision-maker, but also allows me to try all the different kinds of dishes being served)

therein lies the problem.
in choosing, we are cutting out a variety of possibilities: if i order steak, then i am not having ravioli.
but i will be relieved to order steak, if i know that you are ordering ravioli and will share with me.

how does this effect my life?
how does it not?

i miss living in a city, but also long to live out in the country. unfortunately the suburbs are not the happy medium, of ravioli-steak sharing, but a combination of the worst of the two worlds and ends up giving me a stomachache.

i spent weeks hating my job and fantasizing about quitting, but that would be a major decision...
and no, i am not quitting my job in the middle of the school year, but can i stay here next year? or will my soul slowly be eaten away by conservative thinking?
maybe i will become a good spanish teacher and enjoy what i'm doing more - will that be enough to justify my working here?

does the spastic nature of this post properly illustrate how indecisive and unsure of everything i am?


Violeta said...

I would say first, that you definitely choose your meals, last but not least.
And second, I will quote a movie: "deja de pensar alicia" and now you have to tell me which movie is it from?

Carmen said...

no idea....

daleboca said...

la historia oficial yo!
spoken by her asshole husband?
also, effect/affect. get it straight yo.
you are at haverford to expand their minds. you are valuable there. these people will have power in our lifetimes. you can make them think better, wider.
fuck steak, always go with the ravioli!

RolandoE said...

you do not mess with dale boca when it comes to movies: yes husband to wife.

Carm, order the steak AND the ravioli and then get the leftovers in a doggy bag. tomorrow you can have ravioli AND steak

Violeta said...

Agree with vio, never thought it that way but very true. Make them thing better, please???