Sunday, August 2, 2015


i am constantly amazed at what little m can teach me about love and appreciating the smallest of moments - which in reality, make up the most important moments of our lives...

but i am also amazed at what i can teach her little brain. not only does she understand spanish fluently - despite not being inclined to speak it much (yet), but sometimes she shocks me with her toddler maturity.

yesterday m got worked up about something and when i told her she had to calm down and maybe she should go to her room to stop crying i was unsure if what i was saying was totally ridiculous or not. i sometimes feel like my expectations of her are unfairly high and i am setting us both up for failure. she is, after all, barely two years old. but when she left to go upstairs i thought maybe she would at least get distracted enough to calm down unknowingly.

when she came downstairs again she came over to me and repeated something that i just couldn't understand. she started to get frustrated that i didn't know what she was saying (it was spanglish) but when i finally declared/asked for confirmation about what she said, "you calmed down?" she yelled "yeah!!" and gave me a huge hug.

sometimes i think she might already be smarter than i am.

1 comment:

RolandoE said...

great little m !!!!

and btw, happy birthday anticipated mami
