Tuesday, August 4, 2015

happy birthday to me

i woke up at 3:30am.  ever since having little m i have become an incredibly light sleeper who, like an old lady, gets up to pee in the middle of the night. some nights i can fall back asleep but most nights i can't - at least not for a few hours.

i try to stay as "asleep" as possible  to facilitate myself going back. sometimes, even if i make it all the way to the bathroom and back with my eyes closed, i still can't fall back asleep.

so i came downstairs and began my middle-of-the-night routine which starts with me putzing around on the internet and will eventually end with me going back to bed with a book.

what makes this night different from all other nights? there was a certain almost secretive satisfaction i got from being alone and remembering it was my birthday. despite birthdays always being important, they seem to hold a new meaning ever since witnessing the birth of my own daughter.

there is a simple "thank you" that i feel compelled to send out into the world today and every day. but i will start with today.