Thursday, October 6, 2016

in progress

while sitting at the dining room table, each of us on our devices studying, erk starts to read aloud about social cognitive theory, and i think he is making fun of me in some way, because it sounds like he is reading from the same text that i am

but he isn't. we happen to be reading about the same thing at the same time

and suddenly i realize how sort of crazy it is that we are both in school at this point in our lives (with two kids and two dogs and one job between us) and crazier still that despite his studying dentistry and my studying human sexuality they are both in the field of health and how crazy that is - that i never saw that similarity/overlap.

i know one day we will look back on this time - when we spent our evenings studying instead of watching a show together or endeavoring independently into our own hobbies, or going out dancing(!) , and we will think: those times were hard - good, but hard

but you need some hard times to fully appreciate the easier ones, and i don't want to ever forget that.

1 comment:

RolandoE said...

absolutely true.
well put camuchi !!