Sunday, September 25, 2016

laying in a toddler bed

it's been a long two weeks and there's one more to go before i get a weekend with my kiddies. i miss getting to spend actual time with them.

so when i heard m whining from her bed about how her feet hurt tonight, instead of shushing her (when she is tired she makes up reasons to not sleep) i went to lay down with her in her mini toddler bed. i wish i did this more. these moments slip by so quickly.

here are some quotes that i wanted to not ever forget her saying as a three year old.

when we were driving in the car and i expressed frustration towards other drivers: "mamá, do you want me to help you?" then directed out the window "get out of carmen's way!"

when we dropped off little j in the baby room one morning, to the teacher: "you need another teacher in here" to which the teacher responded that the director would be in to help out later. when m saw the director later that day in her office: "you are supposed to be in the baby room!"

to that same teacher any time she sees her throughout the day: "is my baby sleeping?"

randomly: "we need a new house" or "we need a new car"

when discussing family members and relationships, specifically my parents; confused: "but zeide doesn't live with abuela su, he lives with steppy..." i find this one to be particularly meaningful because in her mind "parents" live together. i distinctly remember being not that much older and thinking it strange that my friends did things with both parents at the same time. i thought they all lived with their moms and saw their dads on weekends.

when answering erk's question about wanting a third dog: "no, i want another baby. a baby girl. but first you need to have sangre in your conchita" ....can you tell she is the daughter of a sex educator? (!)

spontaneously when all four of us are sitting on the couch: "family couch!"

when saying goodbye: "see you later crocodile"


daleboca said...

get out of carmen's way is AMAZING

Emilia said...

what a spectacular kid (and mom/sex educator) !!

RolandoE said...

lovely miluchi !!