Thursday, April 22, 2010


last night i went to see a show based on both the actual neurological condition known as synesthesia and the game, telephone. one artist creates a work that inspires the next to create in a different medium. each artist finds what strikes them about the work they see and uses it as the impetus to create their own work. we, as the audience, get to see a bit into the creative process of the artist. both by seeing what directly inspired them to create, and to watch an interview conducted right after they have seen the work they are to take their inspiration from, focusing on what types of observations they made, and ideas that are beginning to form from them.
the show is always a bit of a mixed bag. some of it is more compelling than the rest, but every year there are a couple gems. this year one of them was most definitely the mayhem poets. perhaps i have an especially soft spot for the group because i knew them back at rutgers when they were hosting poetry slams in the living room at 25 (?) stone street. but i believe i was struck more by how incredibly talented they are, and what a sick way they have with words. watching them perform struck several chords. when i can figure out how to articulate which ones and why, i will.

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