Friday, April 30, 2010

answers from women

one of the most popular answers that women gave in regard to what they found difficult about being a woman was, "having a menstrual cycle". so because i never answered any of my own questions, here is one of them now:

even as a 13 year old i remember hating the bitches who talked about their periods lasting 3 maybe 4 days. "you know why your period is so short?" i would jokingly/bitterly ask. "because i'm bleeding enough for both of us". my periods have always been 7, 8, even 9 days long. and that's only the physical, painful part. oh yes, for some not painful, and for others cripplingly so. guess which one i am.

you know how people refer to "P.M.S."? pre (before) menstrual (all the bloody yucky part) stress (eh, what?) i don't know that "stress" is the right word. i would say "psychosis" is closer to the truth. that stage lasts about a good week before the blood bath starts. psychosis for psycho; like bitch, psycho like overly sensitive, psycho like i'm ready to throw down with old ladies on the subway for looking at me the wrong way.

i ooze with negativity during this special week. even over g-chat someone asked me, "is it that time of the month for you?" it's like a dr jekyll and mr hyde situation. i can be two completely different people depending on where my hormones are. and for those of you that aren't math thinkers, if we do a recap of this cycle, that's one week of crazy and at least a week of bleeding to death. two weeks out of a cycle that is how long? a month? oh, so you mean only half of my month/life is spent not being reminded of my awesome womanhood? great. thank you mother nature.

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